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Benefits of Nature and Spanish

Children playing on woodchips

Why Nature Immersion?

Forest schools are quickly growing in popularity.  

As we see obesity rise in young children parents are awakening to the fact that kids have become sedentary.

There is world-wide movement to get children back into the forest. 

There are many benefits to being in nature. Here are just a few...

  • Develops physical, emotional and mental balance through an authentic connection with the natural world
  • Fosters compassion and empathy for the earth and all its inhabitants
  • Engages all your child's senses and increases their observation skills
  • Increases problem solving skills
  • Allows for practice and application of social skill
  • Teach students to identify and how to correctly use the medicinal plants found in their backyard
  • Builds up a natural healthy immunity to germs and sickness

Why Spanish Immersion?

Every class we have a fluent Spanish speaker. Students will be hearing and learning Spanish through play and hands-on learning. Young children have a flexible brain that is perfectly tuned to learning a second language. While they might not become fluent they will gain many impressive benefits from hearing and learning songs in Spanish. 

  • Builds mental flexibility
  • Results in better attention
  • Develops ability to think and find solutions to problems
  • Generates higher test scores
  • Fosters better and more advanced reading skills
  • Results in greater confidence
  • Gives brains a boost
  • Provides greater opportunities for college and careers
  • Encourages a bigger view of the world
  • Allows for greater grasp of one’s first language—including a bigger, richer vocabulary

Immersion is defined as a method of foreign language instruction in which the regular preschool curriculum is taught through the medium of the second language, Spanish. Children incorporate new information into their lives as they are able to process it and comprehend it. The child's ability to accept and understand Spanish comes as they progress month after month.


Chavitos Nature Program

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